Sunday, December 28, 2008


i have been really slacking lately... both in blog posting and in life. aside from the few videos that have gone up it feels like weeks since i have even posted a photo. i could easily attribute that to my normal holiday funk, but it probably has as much to do with the other crap that has been going on with me as well. ignoring the fact that my hard drive crashed, i only have two more days of work and my layoff kicks in. merry fucking christmas, eh? i am so trying not to be a bitter ballsack about it, but it sucks. i absolutely hate job hunting, and i can not imagine that this economic climate is going to make it any easier or more pleasant a task. plus i liked where i was. i really liked working there. i loved the place and the majority of the people. unfortunately it really seems like they just f'ed themselves, and it makes me wonder if they will be able to survive... i hope so. but they need to get out from under their little black raincloud, the little black raincloud created by all that the negative energy flowing from the people who get stepped on and then cast aside by the (dis)organization. oh wait, i was trying not to be bitter...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

my christmas list

if anyone wants to get me a hairless canadian sphynx like this one i would be very grateful!

(photo from yahoo news)

Monday, December 8, 2008


as much as i like summer and being warm it makes me happy to open up my closet to an array of plaid jackets and fleece lined hoodies...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

it's a dog's life

a dog's life
by nina nastasia from the album "dogs"

i had a dream about a dog i was walking in an amusement park, people all around me. we rode the roller coaster rides, and he was laughing as we jumped to the sky... and then i saw that i looked just like him!
it's a dog's life. i want to lead a dog's life, run in the wood, dig a hole, just him and me.
he showed me all the various scented treasures on the ground. there was a little girl, and she was scared of me, and i was scared of her. he let out a bark, and she screamed, dropped her chocolate ice cream.
suddenly, this old man chased us 'til we jumped the fence.
it's a dog's life. i want to lead a dog's life, under the couch, chew a bone, just him and me.
he ran across the street and barely missed a speeding car. suddenly, this old man grabbed him from around the corner. i hid behind a big trash can, wondered "what's become of him?" i tried to stay but curiosity kills me.
it's a dog's life. i want to lead a dog's life, under the couch, chew a bone, just him and me.
it's a dog's life. i want to lead a dog's life, run in the wood, dig a hole, just him and me.
it's a dog's life. i want to lead.
it's a dog's life. i want to lead.

like most people i probably go through phases in the music that i listen to, but consistently for the past few years i would count nina nastasia among my constants. the past week i have been especially loving the song above...
when i decided that i wanted to share it i thought for a minute about which picture i would pair with it. the specifics where not immediate, but it was obvious that i would be choosing a photo from when dixie and i went to vermont two summers ago. if there is anywhere to lead a dog's life...

... or a human life for that matter.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

corner three

like my own little alter in my own little sanctuary...